8-liter SOIL-LESS POTTING MIX FOR ALL PURPOSE Soil-less Potting Mix (Better than Loam Soil) Plus Choice of Rabbit Manure, Chicken Manure or Worm Castings
₱ 199.00
8 liter Soil-Less Potting Mix
Plus Choice of any of the following:
- Worm Castings Plus
- Bunny Poop (Processed Rabbit Manure)
- Chix Poop Plus
All Purpose Soil-less Potting Mix
...8 liter Soil-Less Potting Mix
Plus Choice of any of the following:
- Worm Castings Plus
- Bunny Poop (Processed Rabbit Manure)
- Chix Poop Plus
All Purpose Soil-less Potting Mix
- Premium quality all- natural materials
- More sterile and absolutely no soil added
- Complete with plant nutrients (Feeds for 2 months)
- Prevents water clogging and encourages healthy roots
Storage instructions
To store, open the package to air out.
Keep lightly sealed and store in a dry ventilated area until ready to use.
Choice 1 Worm Castings Plus
- Premium quality all- organic natural vermicast
- Excellent organic soil conditioner
- Environment- friendly
- Can be mixed with potting media at any stage of plant development
- Will not burn plants’ roots
How to use : Spread 3 tbsps of vermicast on top of soil per plant before watering. Apply once or twice a month.
To store: Open the package to air out. Keep lightly sealed and store in a dry ventilated area until ready to use.
Choice 2 BUNNY POOP (Processed Rabbit Manure)
- Ideal for most types of plants
- Packed with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK)
- Contains micro-nutrients that improves soil condition and structure
- Encourages beneficial organisms in the soil, such as earthworms
- Considered cold manure – will not burn your plants’ roots even if used directly
How to use : Sprinkle 1 to 2 tbsps of Bunny Poop on top of soil before watering. Apply once or twice a month.
To store: Open the package to air out. Keep lightly sealed and store in a dry ventilated area until ready to use.
Choice 3 Chix Poop (Processed Chicken Manure)
- 100% pure chicken manure
- Premium composted quality and all-natural
- Improves overall plant yield by at least 20%
- Processed through a special composting facility
- Contains a high level of nitrogen (N), phosphoris (P) and potassium (K)
- Improves soil condition and acidity
How to use : Sprinkle 1 to 2 tbsps on top of soil before watering. Apply once or twice a month.
To store: Open the package to air out. Keep lightly sealed and store in a dry ventilated area until ready to use.
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