8-Liter Orchid Gold Mix - Premium Potting Media for Orchids, Bromeliads, Air Plants, and Other Types of Epiphytic Plants
₱ 360.00 ₱ 500.00
ORCHID GOLD MIX by Urban Gardening Mom
Orchids require a special kind of potting media that promote proper root aeration, water and nutrient retention, and root drainage. Ordinary...
ORCHID GOLD MIX by Urban Gardening Mom
Orchids require a special kind of potting media that promote proper root aeration, water and nutrient retention, and root drainage. Ordinary soil or potting mix can not be used because it's so dense and may not thrive well.
Our All Premium Orchid Potting Mix - Orchid Gold Mix is soil-less and all-natural. It does not contain any chemical additive. It promotes good air circulation at the roots, allowing your plants to grow well. It contains AAA-quality sphagnum moss, pine bark, clay pebbles and pumice. It retains just the right amount of moisture, after each watering, without over-soaking the roots.
Sphagnum moss is ideal for orchids because of its ability to retain some air and moisture, which is usually ideal for most orchid variants. However, using pure moss tends to soak up on water which may drown the plants due to lack of air circulation. Therefore, we added some pine bark, coco chunks, clay pebbles and pumice stones, to open up more air pockets that will allow the roots to breathe.
Tips for watering: Orchids don't want their roots to be soaking wet for a long period of time. So water only as needed. Usually, once a week or every other week is enough. Make sure your pot drains well and/or allows excess water to flow through completely. Consider adding more pine bark chips for orchids varieties that prefer drier media, like Phalaenopsis.
This potting media can also be used for houseplants, especially the vining plants that grow air roots.